Project update: April 28, 2021
Mirani Community Precinct planning reaches milestone
The concept of a redeveloped Mirani Community Precinct is taking shape.
Planning has reached a milestone, with an ordinary meeting of council today endorsing a concept design.
Work on detailed design will now be done to have the project shovel-ready for government funding opportunities.
The Mirani Community Precinct redevelopment will be on the site of the existing council administration offices, library, and museum in Victoria Street.
Mayor Greg Williamson said the precinct and adjacent landscaping would provide an eye-catching gateway to Pioneer Valley tourism experiences, including future mountain bike trails.
“By enhancing current community and cultural facilities within the precinct, we’ll create a stronger sense of place and identity for locals and tourists,’’ Mayor Williamson said.
“This project builds on the work of the Mirani Master Plan, prepared in 2019,’’ he said.
“It will create a vibrant and community orientated precinct that will celebrate the region and provide authentic experiences, both for locals and tourists.’’
The concept design envisages the existing library becoming a new customer service area, council administration and flexible museum space.
The former Mirani Shire Council chambers would be refurbished and extended to create the new library and bookable meeting rooms.
New community workshops and landscaping areas would provide community groups with a presence in the precinct, space for markets and external displays.
Mayor Williamson said the character of the original chambers building had been obscured by extensions, refurbishments, and modifications over a long period of time.
He said as part of the project, the existing council offices would be refurbished to restore the historic building to its original design.
“It is important to celebrate Mirani and the Pioneer Valley’s heritage as part of this project.”
Design work is being jointly funded by the State Government’s Building Our Region’s Fund and council.