Finch Hatton MTB

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Mackay Regional Council is developing a network of world-class mountain bike trails in the picturesque Pioneer Valley.

Stage one is completed and includes a purpose-built trailhead, pump track and 14.5 kilometres of airflow trails in Finch Hatton.

Stage two will include a combination of airflow and gravity trails as well as a wilderness trail from Eungella to Finch Hatton. Planning and investigation works are underway and will continue until 2025. Construction is forecast to commence in 2026.

Mayor Greg Williamson said this project will put the Mackay region on the leisure tourism map and attract visitors from every corner of the world.

“Imagine pedalling through amazing landscapes, exploring trails of varying degrees and finishing up in the townships of Finch Hatton and Eungella and enjoying a cold beverage. It’s the perfect backdrop for any mountain bike rider,” Cr Williamson said.

The townships of both Eungella and Finch Hatton will act as key service hubs for the trails and offer starting/finishing points and additional ancillary services, such as accommodation, food and eateries, shuttle services and supporting infrastructure.

This network will be built to international standards and capable of hosting world-class events.

When fully operational, our mountain bike trail network is estimated to generate:

  • An additional 31,000 annual visitors, including 5,000 international riders
  • An additional $18.1M in visitor spending
  • More than 110 full-time equivalent jobs
  • Improved awareness of Eungella and the Pioneer Valley as a tourism destination.

Download the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails investment prospectus

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Mackay Regional Council is developing a network of world-class mountain bike trails in the picturesque Pioneer Valley.

Stage one is completed and includes a purpose-built trailhead, pump track and 14.5 kilometres of airflow trails in Finch Hatton.

Stage two will include a combination of airflow and gravity trails as well as a wilderness trail from Eungella to Finch Hatton. Planning and investigation works are underway and will continue until 2025. Construction is forecast to commence in 2026.

Mayor Greg Williamson said this project will put the Mackay region on the leisure tourism map and attract visitors from every corner of the world.

“Imagine pedalling through amazing landscapes, exploring trails of varying degrees and finishing up in the townships of Finch Hatton and Eungella and enjoying a cold beverage. It’s the perfect backdrop for any mountain bike rider,” Cr Williamson said.

The townships of both Eungella and Finch Hatton will act as key service hubs for the trails and offer starting/finishing points and additional ancillary services, such as accommodation, food and eateries, shuttle services and supporting infrastructure.

This network will be built to international standards and capable of hosting world-class events.

When fully operational, our mountain bike trail network is estimated to generate:

  • An additional 31,000 annual visitors, including 5,000 international riders
  • An additional $18.1M in visitor spending
  • More than 110 full-time equivalent jobs
  • Improved awareness of Eungella and the Pioneer Valley as a tourism destination.

Download the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails investment prospectus

TImelineDesignsFrequently asked questions
Planning informationBusiness informationDocument library

  • Project Update #14: August 20, 2021

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    Make sure your business is in good shape with free mentoring webinars.

    Mackay Regional Council is offering a free five-part webinar series focussed on business development.

    The webinars will cover business essentials such as planning fundamentals, building a digital footprint, business accessibility and much more.

    The webinar series is part of council’s Small Business Mentoring Program being delivered by Sparrowly Group for businesses in the Pioneer Valley. All businesses in the Mackay region are invited to participate.

    Register your interest today to make the most of this fantastic opportunity.

    Once held, all webinar recordings and resources will be accessible for up to 12 months online.

    WEBINAR #1
    Business Planning Fundamentals
    August 26, at 11am
    WEBINAR #2
    Building Your Business Digital Footprint
    September 9, at 11am
    WEBINAR #3
    Understanding the Mountain Bike Visitor
    September 23, at 11am
    WEBINAR #4
    Know Your Numbers
    October 7, at 11am

    WEBINAR #5
    Making Your Business Accessible
    October 21, at 11am

  • Project update #13: July 27, 2021

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    Another tick off the list for Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails

    Council is about to breathe new life into the Cattle Creek Mill Administration Building with exciting refurbishment works starting on Monday (August 2).

    Located in the township of Finch Hatton, the building was identified as a key asset for the proposed Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trail’s Finch Hatton trailhead site.

    Mayor Greg Williamson said the refurbishment of the Cattle Creek Mill Administration Building was another tick off the to-do-list for the Mountain Bike Trails project.

    “The commencement of these works takes us one step closer to having the trailheads up and running for our region,” Mayor Williamson said.

    “The building will play a key role in shaping what the final Finch Hatton trailhead site looks like.”

    Local contractor, BH Building was awarded the $348,000 contract to refurbish the existing building.

    The refurbishment work includes the removal of asbestos, external and internal improvements including a new roof and windows, and painting.

    Mayor Williamson said a dilapidated toilet attached to the existing building would also be demolished, with a new separate amenities block expected to be built when the trailhead is finalised.

    “An exciting aspect of the project includes reinstating the original building signage as well as revitalising the existing façade to pay homage to the building’s history.”

    The works are expected to take about 18 weeks to complete, depending on availability of materials.

    Residents and businesses in the area are not expected to be impacted by any of the associated works.

  • Project update #12: June 21, 2021

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    Applications open for Small Business Mentoring Program

    The Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails have the potential to attract 30,000 new visitors to the region annually and bring in an additional $18 million into the local economy. Make sure your business is in good shape to make the most of this opportunity.

    The mentoring program includes:

    • A deep business assessment
    • Five one-on-one mentoring sessions tailored for your business needs
    • Practical workshop style webinars
    • Access to a curated national business community
    • Tools to apply to your business
    • Ongoing support from your mentor throughout the program

    Apply for the program today as places are limited. Applications close Friday, July 2, at 9pm.

    Learn what it’s all about at an upcoming webinar and live Q&A session on Thursday, June 24 at 10.30am.

    A completely subsidised Small Business Mentoring Program has been created to address the business development and mentoring needs of businesses located in Eungella and Finch Hatton.

    This program is subsidised thanks to Mackay Regional Council and will be facilitated by independent mentors, business and tourism experts, Sparrowly Group.

    For more information contact council’s senior economic development officer Nele Hahne at or on 4961 9099.

  • Project update #11: April 27, 2021

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    Get on your bike and comment on Eungella local area planning

    Community input is being sought for a local area planning framework for Eungella to support the township becoming a trail town as part of the Pioneer Valley Mountain Biking project.

    This is stage two of the local area planning project, with the same process already undertaken for Finch Hatton.

    Mayor Greg Williamson said the townships of Finch Hatton and Eungella were important cogs in plans for future mountain biking trails at the top of the Pioneer Valley.

    He said both had been identified for trailheads for the mountain bike trails.

    “It is important that we have the right planning framework in place for these two towns to help capitalise on development opportunities that will arise from the mountain bike project and the visitor numbers it will generate.”

    The Eungella local area framework project will start with an online survey, which opens today (April 27) and closes Tuesday, May 25, at 11.59pm.

    Mayor Williamson said that survey would provide council with a greater understanding of the opportunities and community aspirations.

    “The results will better inform the development of the local area planning framework for Eungella,’’ he said.

    Anyone interested will also be able to pin comments and images to an ideas map.

    The local area planning process being followed is the same previously undertaken for Finch Hatton.

    “We received a good response to that consultation and are expecting a similar interest in planning for Eungella,’’ Mayor Williamson said.

    “We’ve also done some direct mailouts to Eungella residents, as well as posters in the township, to help promote the consultation up there,’’ he said.

    Click here to learn more about the Eungella local planning area framework project and complete the survey
    Feedback closes: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 11.59pm.

    Above: Aerial view of Eungella township.

  • Project update #10: April 12, 2021

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    Time is running out to have your say on three proposed Finch Hatton trailhead concepts.

    A trailhead is a place where you start and finish your mountain bike adventures which contains facilities that support riders.

    The concepts were developed in consultation with valuable input from internationally recognised trail experts, World Trail, as well as key stakeholders involved in the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails project.

    The identified location for the trailhead is the old Cattle Creek Sugar Mill site as it provides a strong town linkage utilising existing mango trees as a boulevard.

    Proposed facilities include a revamped Cattle Creek Mill Administration Building, platypus-shaped pump track, car park, bike rack, toilets, trail signage and event hosting amenities.

    Attractions such as the Kungurri train turntable have also been incorporated in some of the concepts.

    View the proposed concepts along with the site constraints to gain a deeper understanding of what is being proposed for the area.

    Both Eungella and Finch Hatton will be trail towns and will act as key service hubs for the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails.

    Feedback closes midnight, April 18.

    Click here to see the proposed trailhead site...

  • Project update #9: March 24, 2021

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    Share your thoughts on the Finch Hatton trailhead concepts

    The development of a world-class network of mountain bike trails in the Pioneer Valley provides a unique opportunity to grow the tourism economy and deliver a destination product that has extensive economic benefits to Finch Hatton, Eungella and the wider Mackay region.

    The proposed Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails will be comprised of a 100km network of single direction mountain bike trails spanning from Eungella to Finch Hatton.

    Both Eungella and Finch Hatton will be trail towns and act as key service hubs for the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails. The primary trailhead will be located within the Finch Hatton township.

    Council has been developing concept designs specifically for the Finch Hatton trailhead site and welcomes your feedback. Proposed facilities include a revamped Cattle Creek Mill administration building, platypus-shaped pump track, car park, bike rack, toilets, trail signage and event hosting amenities.

    Click here to to learn more about this exciting project and contribute your thoughts online. Feedback closes Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 11.59pm.

  • Project update #8: March 15, 2021

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    Council invites the Finch Hatton community to contribute to the master planning of the Finch Hatton trailhead.

    As a trail town, Finch Hatton will be a key service hub for the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails, with a primary trailhead located within the township.

    Council has been developing concept designs specifically for the Finch Hatton trailhead site and welcomes your feedback.

    Come along to one of two workshops where you can meet the project team and world-class trail designers, World Trail, to discuss ideas for the Finch Hatton trailhead site.

    Join us at one of the following workshops:

    Thursday, March 18, 2021

    Workshop 1: 3pm to 5pm | Workshop 2: 6pm to 8pm
    Finch Hatton RSL
    Registration link >

    Please note, due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions only limited seats are available. A confirmed registration is essential. We encourage only one person per household to register.

    Can’t make a workshop? Don’t worry, you can participate online by visiting from Thursday, March 18 until Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 11.59pm.

  • Project update #7: February 9, 2021

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    Council update sessions delivered

    On Sunday, council delivered two community sessions in Finch Hatton and Eungella.

    The well-attended sessions provided residents with the opportunity to learn more about the project and have a place to ask questions.

    The sessions also included a discussion on the progress of the Finch Hatton Local Area Planning Framework project.

    Click here to view the presentation.

    Subscribe to project updates emails to learn more about this exciting project. Click the Stay Informed button on the right of this page. You will receive an email afterwards asking you to confirm your subscription.

  • Project update #6: Friday, February 5, 2021

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    Get involved and stay up-to-date on the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails project

    These sessions will include a discussion on the progress of the Finch Hatton Local Area Planning Framework project.

    Join us on Sunday, February 7, 2021
    - 10am at Eungella HUB or noon at Finch Hatton Showgrounds

    Online registration is required.

    Please note, due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions only limited seats are available. A confirmed registration is essential

    We encourage only one person per household to register and ask organisations to be mindful of the number of representatives attending

    DO NOT attend this meeting if you have:
    • fever or symptoms of respiratory infection (cough, sore throat, shortness of breath)
    • have returned from overseas in the last 14 days
    • been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

    Click here to register to the Eungella session.
    Click here to register to the Finch Hatton session.

    Connecting Mackay for more information about this project.

  • Project update #5: November 6, 2020

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    Developing a local area planning framework for the Finch Hatton township

    A local area planning framework is being investigated for the Finch Hatton township, with the intent of facilitating development opportunities to support the potential of Finch Hatton becoming a trail town for the future mountain bike trails.

    This project will follow a ‘local area plan’ process involving background and context investigations, setting a vision and principles, the development of local area frameworks and strategies relating to land uses, access, connectivity, infrastructure, built character and the public realm. Following the completion of the local area planning framework (as Stage 1 of the the local area planning project), the focus of the local area planning project will shift towards the Eungella township as Stage 2 of the project.

    The potential benefits of this project include:

    • unlocking development opportunities that support the mountain bike trails and job creation
    • rejuvenation of activity in the commercial heart of the township
    • identifying opportunities for public realm enhancements in key locations and movement corridors
    • facilitative planning regulations.

    Click here to visit the Finch Hatton local area planning framework webpage.
    Consultation closes Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 11:59pm.

Page last updated: 14 Jun 2024, 12:37 PM