Finch Hatton MTB

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Mackay Regional Council is developing a network of world-class mountain bike trails in the picturesque Pioneer Valley.

Stage one is completed and includes a purpose-built trailhead, pump track and 14.5 kilometres of airflow trails in Finch Hatton.

Stage two will include a combination of airflow and gravity trails as well as a wilderness trail from Eungella to Finch Hatton. Planning and investigation works will continue this year. Construction is forecast to commence in 2026.

Mayor Greg Williamson said this project will put the Mackay region on the leisure tourism map and attract visitors from every corner of the world.

“Imagine pedalling through amazing landscapes, exploring trails of varying degrees and finishing up in the townships of Finch Hatton and Eungella and enjoying a cold beverage. It’s the perfect backdrop for any mountain bike rider,” Cr Williamson said.

The townships of both Eungella and Finch Hatton will act as key service hubs for the trails and offer starting/finishing points and additional ancillary services, such as accommodation, food and eateries, shuttle services and supporting infrastructure.

This network will be built to international standards and capable of hosting world-class events.

When fully operational, our mountain bike trail network is estimated to generate:

  • An additional 31,000 annual visitors, including 5,000 international riders
  • An additional $18.1M in visitor spending
  • More than 110 full-time equivalent jobs
  • Improved awareness of Eungella and the Pioneer Valley as a tourism destination.

Download the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails investment prospectus

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Mackay Regional Council is developing a network of world-class mountain bike trails in the picturesque Pioneer Valley.

Stage one is completed and includes a purpose-built trailhead, pump track and 14.5 kilometres of airflow trails in Finch Hatton.

Stage two will include a combination of airflow and gravity trails as well as a wilderness trail from Eungella to Finch Hatton. Planning and investigation works will continue this year. Construction is forecast to commence in 2026.

Mayor Greg Williamson said this project will put the Mackay region on the leisure tourism map and attract visitors from every corner of the world.

“Imagine pedalling through amazing landscapes, exploring trails of varying degrees and finishing up in the townships of Finch Hatton and Eungella and enjoying a cold beverage. It’s the perfect backdrop for any mountain bike rider,” Cr Williamson said.

The townships of both Eungella and Finch Hatton will act as key service hubs for the trails and offer starting/finishing points and additional ancillary services, such as accommodation, food and eateries, shuttle services and supporting infrastructure.

This network will be built to international standards and capable of hosting world-class events.

When fully operational, our mountain bike trail network is estimated to generate:

  • An additional 31,000 annual visitors, including 5,000 international riders
  • An additional $18.1M in visitor spending
  • More than 110 full-time equivalent jobs
  • Improved awareness of Eungella and the Pioneer Valley as a tourism destination.

Download the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails investment prospectus

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  • Project update #5: November 6, 2020

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    Developing a local area planning framework for the Finch Hatton township

    A local area planning framework is being investigated for the Finch Hatton township, with the intent of facilitating development opportunities to support the potential of Finch Hatton becoming a trail town for the future mountain bike trails.

    This project will follow a ‘local area plan’ process involving background and context investigations, setting a vision and principles, the development of local area frameworks and strategies relating to land uses, access, connectivity, infrastructure, built character and the public realm. Following the completion of the local area planning framework (as Stage 1 of the the local area planning project), the focus of the local area planning project will shift towards the Eungella township as Stage 2 of the project.

    The potential benefits of this project include:

    • unlocking development opportunities that support the mountain bike trails and job creation
    • rejuvenation of activity in the commercial heart of the township
    • identifying opportunities for public realm enhancements in key locations and movement corridors
    • facilitative planning regulations.

    Click here to visit the Finch Hatton local area planning framework webpage.
    Consultation closes Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 11:59pm.

  • Project update #4: August 31, 2020

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    Mountain Bike Trail Community Update

    Council presented Community Update sessions to Eungella and Finch Hatton residents on August 20, 2020.

    Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, attendance was limited. To ensure all community members have access to the information provided during the update, you can click here to view the presentation.

    Click here to view the proposed trail network map which was presented to attendees.

    The proposed trail network offers 100km plus of concept trail alignments, covering a broad range of trail experiences suitable for all rider abilities. It is important to note that the proposal is based on desktop studies only. Depending on stakeholder approvals, the final trail network will be confirmed during the detailed trail design phase. This will be in accordance with requirements identified in the ecological and cultural heritage assessments.

    The next steps are:

    • Seek approvals from related stakeholders and government agencies
    • Local area planning
    • Development of Finch Hatton trail head master plan
    • Engage local community and tourism interests
    • Secure funding
    • Detailed trail design

    To stay informed about this project and to be notified of upcoming community engagement sessions, subscribe to this project's update emails. Click the Stay Informed button on the right of this page. You will receive an email afterwards asking you to confirm your subscription.

  • Project update #3: May 2020

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    Pioneer Valley presents great development potential

    In 2018, Mackay Regional Council engaged consultants Otium Planning and World Trail to investigate how the Mackay region’s mountain bike industry could be better enhanced, promoted and managed. The key finding was the Pioneer Valley presents great development potential for a nationally and internationally recognised mountain bike park.

    Council endorsed further work to explore the feasibility and economic impact of the trail development around Eungella and Finch Hatton.

    Mackay Regional Council has been briefed about the outcomes of the Feasibility Study on May 20, 2020. Council is supportive of progressing this project further.

    The next steps will involve:

    • negotiations with Native Title claimants, land owners and stakeholders and government agencies to seek approvals for the proposed trail network
    • ground truthing
    • ecological and cultural heritage assessment
    • secure funding
    • detailed design
  • Project update #2: November 27, 2019

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    Mountain bike park project pedals forward

    An investigation into the feasibility of a mountain bike park in the Pioneer Valley has revealed a wealth of opportunities.

    The business case and feasibility study, prepared by Otium Planning Group World Trail, considers the trail network concept, construction/maintenance costs and economic benefits.

    They also undertook consultation with targeted stakeholders to address any ideas, issues or concerns with the Eungella-Finch Hatton Mountain Bike Park project.

    Mayor Greg Williamson said the investigation presented some exciting opportunities for the region.

    “The business case estimates that the mountain bike park will attract more than 22,000 riders annually,” he said.

    “This will include about 19,000 non-resident visitors by its fourth year of operation.

    “It is also expected to generate 28 full-time equivalent jobs during construction and would support 28 new jobs in its first year of operation, increasing to 67 jobs by year 10.”

    Mayor Williamson said the Eungella-Finch Hatton Mountain Bike Park would deliver 100km of national-international standard mountain bike track across 11 individual trails as proposed by the business case.

    “The trail network will span from Eungella to Finch Hatton,” he said.

    “Most of the trail network will be located within National Park and State Forest, however four parcels of freehold land will need to be purchased to facilitate the trail network concept and infrastructure.”

    Council will now begin negotiations with landowners regarding freehold land purchase and commence work on a detailed design for the mountain bike park.

    A Regional Mountain Bike Alliance will also be established to act as the key reference and coordination group to support the delivery of the mountain bike strategy and its specific actions.

    The total capital cost of the mountain bike park is estimated between $10.7 and $12.6 million.

  • Project update #1: February 13, 2019

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    Mountain biking on track for big things

    Mountain biking is tipped to reach new heights in the Mackay region.

    The potential of the region to become a signature mountain biking destination has been highlighted in a strategy prepared for council.

    The possibility of developing a nationally and internationally significant mountain bike park based around Eungella and Finch Hatton is part of that strategy.

    An ordinary meeting of council today endorsed the Mackay Region Mountain Bike Strategy, prepared by Otium Planning Group in partnership with World Trail.

    As a part of the strategy, council’s Economic Development program will begin preparation of a business case and feasibility study for a mountain bike park in the upper Pioneer Valley.

    Mayor Greg Williamson said the strategy estimated such a bike park around Eungella and Finch Hatton could attract up to 18,000 extra visitors a year.

    He said the estimated direct economic benefit from such a surge in visitation was more than $6 million for the region’s economy.

    “The strategy identified gaps in the Queensland and Australian mountain biking markets and how the Mackay region is ideally suited to fill those needs.

    “Our main advantages, particularly in the Eungella-Finch Hatton area, include the stunning natural environment and excellent elevation.

    “There is also substantial trail land available in that area and it would suit all mountain biking disciplines and levels.”

    Any developments of infrastructure will be subject to future funding submissions and council budget considerations.

    The Mackay Region Mountain Bike Strategy was one of two strategies endorsed by today’s ordinary meeting.

    The Mackay Sport and Recreation Strategy (2018-2028) was also adopted.

Page last updated: 06 Jan 2025, 09:50 AM